Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Ben Pekuah: Update From Stephen Bloch

As a follow-up to our post regarding the falling out between Ben Pekuah Meats and Rabbi Meir Rabi we have been contacted by Stephen Bloch, the Managing Director and CEO of AK BK MeatsFollowing is part of the email he sent us:

Dear FrumInMelbourne,

I refer to your recent entries in relation to Ben Pekuah Meats.

With respect to Rabbi Rabi, the company has no further comments.

In relation to the article which appeared last weekend in The Age, unfortunately it did not reflect the discussions and most of the content and focus which had been agreed when we met with the journalist over very many hours in the preceding weeks. My feeling is that the paper’s editor intervened. In any event, I sent in the attached Letter to the Editor the following day. Unsurprisingly I suppose it has not thus far been published.

I am happy for you to print this entire reply if you so wish.

Yours sincerely,

Stephen Bloch
Managing Director & CEO
AK Ben Pekuah Pty Ltd

Here's the full copy of Stephen's (as yet unpublished) letter to The Age:


  1. No comment from Stephen re the lack of any rabbinical or even Halachic supervision at the current time?

    My rabbi - who isn't (as far as I know a fan of Rabbi MGR) stated clearly that the entire stock of current and any future meats before the arrival of a new rabbinical supervisor is בשר שנתעלם מן העין
    and is considered to be non-Kosher.

    I feel sorry for Bloch and the mini-fortune he has invested in this, but Halacha is Halacha

  2. Wow. Good scoop FruminMelbourne.

    @Danny, I don't know who your rabbi is, but I spoke Reb Chaim Tzvi and he's of the opinion that it's worth investigating.

  3. Come on Steve, give us a comment on MGR. You know you want to.

  4. Are these animals being monitored by a circumcised jewish male who observes shabbat?

    I studied at midrasha and I recall this is crucial in a kashrut situation.

    1. Nope. At this time there is no kosher supervision. I'm very critical of this.

  5. Anyone reckon now that they've managed to ensure the sacking of Rabbi Rabi the KA business will now offer BP meats their support and supervision?

    For a large price of course

  6. when are we going to find out who your rabbi is ???
    is it a secret ??

  7. bloch what a joke kosher meat no rabbi
    something smells
    get rabi back

  8. bloch what a joke kosher meat no rabbi
    something smells
    get rabi back


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