Sunday, 17 April 2016

Stabbing in Melbourne Shul

A shocking thing happened in a Melbourne shul yesterday (Shabbos Parshas Metzorah).

A yid stabbed another yid!

Did you hear that?

A yid stabbed another yid!

Who could ever believe such a thing would ever happen in  Melbourne Shul, especially on a Shabbos???

And the alleged cause of the stabbing? A fight over the herring. The herring! Or was it cake? Depends on which report you choose to believe.

But either way, Yiddish blood was spilt, by a fellow Yid.

From Arutz Sheva:

Stabbed in synagogue - over a piece of cake

A violent altercation erupted over Shabbat in an Australian synagogue, ended in a stabbing. Witnesses say scuffle began over cake.
By Arutz Sheva Staff

Knife attack
Knife attack Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash 90

A trivial dispute over a dessert dish nearly turned fatal in an Australian synagogue on Saturday.

After an argument broke out between two of the congregants, one attempted to stab the other, only to wound someone else entirely, witnesses told BeHadrei Haredim.

The incident occurred Saturday morning at the Rambam Sephardic synagogue in Melbourne. A groom hosted the synagogue’s Kiddush Rabba after morning prayers, bringing desserts and refreshments in honor of his wedding.

According to witnesses, an argument suddenly erupted between the groom and a congregant known for having a short temper. The dispute apparently concerned one of the cakes brought by the groom.

“We made Kiddush,” recalled one of the witnesses, “then a verbal confrontation broke out between the two over one of the cakes, to the point where one of [the two] lost control of himself and lost his head, bringing a knife in and stabbing a fellow [congregant] a centimeter from his heart and two centimeters from his lungs.”

Worshippers who saw the man brandishing a knife tried to block him from reaching the groom. In the course of the incident, however, the man stabbed one of the congregants attempting to hold him back.

“The congregant went back to his home to bring a knife; when he came back to the synagogue with the knife, we understood that he intended to stab the groom, so we tried to separate them. In the end, however, the congregant stabbed one of the people trying to separate between the stabber and the groom”.

“It was really a miracle that he [the stabbing victim] survived, he was really saved. I know the people [involved], both the stabber and the victim. We were in total shock; it’s a shame that this happened over food.”

The victim of the stabbing was treated by emergency first responders and transferred to a local hospital.

Police were called to the scene, but were unable to capture the attacker, who fled the synagogue immediately after the incident.

“The stabber is known as a person with a short temper. He has a short fuse. The people have been searching for him ever since he fled the scene of the incident. Even his wife and children don’t know where he is.”

More links:

Jewish Press

The Age

Herald Sun

Channel 7 News

We even made the Israeli Press:


  1. Shmaltz or Pickled?

  2. I don't think we can judge.

  3. it looks like we need more security inside than outside


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