Thursday, 19 May 2016

After F.I.M. Pressure - New Mara D'Atra at Mizrachi!

It is exactly one month - to the day - that we posted about Mizrachi's lack of a Mara D'Atra.

Our post caused a huge uproar in Mizrachi, and rightly so. A congregation needs to have a leader. We received a huge amount of "Thank You" emails from members of Mizrachi, who had had enough of the situation. We are proud to have been a major part of the decision to finally act.

Following is a copy of the letter sent out to Mizrachi congregants today:

Rabbi Danny Mirvis - new Mara D'Atra at Mizrachi

The team at FrumInMelbourne wish a hearty congratulations to the new Rabbi, Danny Mirvis! We wish you much success. We hope you do well, especially because of our fundamental role in you getting the gig!


  1. thank you f.i.m, all the mizrachi members could not achieve what you did, organized our new rabbi
    keep up the good work

    kol hakvod to you !!!!

  2. why is Rabbi Danny Mirvis salary so much less than rabbi sprung ??

    danny lamm its not fair please adjust it $142.000.00 per year to make it the same package as rabbi sprung
    please confirm asap

  3. whats the reason he is paid less,? Ian also agrees it needs to be fixed , Sam get involved you are always fair. we can save monies other ways

  4. Is it true Rabbi Kennard was not offered the job ?
    Rabbi Mirvis great bloke no experience, we deserve better than that.

  5. Would Geoff please donate a hat to the new Rabbi, you will get a special misbarach

  6. Zaichyk-Cohen-Sprung20 May 2016 at 04:14

    Does he have any experience with Gittin and Kidushin?

    And most importantly, what compensation is he guaranteed when, in 2 years time, he (like all the others), will be shown the door?


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